At ACEL we are a company of belief. Belief is the foundation of the strong, belief that they can push themselves harder and farther every time they train, hit a trail, the road, slopes, or strive to be the best at what they do. They live in competition with themselves day in and out with a hunger that can only be satisfied with personal bests and achievement.
It’s these same beliefs and motivation that drives the ACEL team to deliver the absolute highest quality compression socks to you. Helping you push your boundaries, train more efficiently, reduce fatigue, and recover faster with the smart fabric technology we’ve developed.
Our beliefs are one in the same, simply stated, to be a better version of who we were yesterday. People like you, developing solutions for you. So put your faith in our team, rest easy tonight, and hit it hard tomorrow.
About a year ago, I started having pain in my left foot. It wasn't constant, but over time, the pain became very bad. Especially if I was sitting or standing for long periods of time. I finally dragged myself to the doctor to find out I have Achilles Tendinitis, Planter Fasciitis, and a Bone Spur. I was told I need to keep my foot in a natural position. I have to wear a brace that helps when I am wearing it, but it is not an outside brace. So when I am walking around with the kids, or shopping, my foot is in agony. The Achilles Tendinitis actually causes severe pain all the way up to my hip. My calf muscle throbs the most.
My Dad has a nerve condition that causes him to loose feeling in his legs. He gets sharp pins and needles pain, and then they just go numb. He has a very hard time walking.
When I was told about Acel Compression Socks, I was very hopeful that maybe just maybe they could help my Dad and I.
The benefits are immediate from the moment you put on a pair of ACEL compression socks as the science behind our technology and graduated compression starts to go to work. They will increase the efficiency in blood circulation from your feet all the way to your heart and lungs. This also helps increase oxygen delivery, while decreasing lactic acid production, and promoting high muscle efficiency. Resulting in less fatigue, reduced cramps and shin splints, and greatly improved recovery times.
That along with our moisture wicking material will transfer any moisture buildup on the skin to the outside of the sock where it will dry faster, reduce odor, skin irritation, and most importantly lowering your body temperature by up to 7 degrees in those muscles. So, whether you’re sitting on a long airplane flight, running a marathon, or working on your feet all day, you’ll notice a significant difference in how your legs and feet feel.
I tried the socks on right away. They are very comfortable. I also love the fact that my feet were not sweating like with some support socks. My feet actually felt like they could breath.
After a little while of wearing the socks, my calf muscle did not hurt as bad. My foot pain is still there, but I do have to say it dims a little while wearing the socks. The socks also helped my Dad a little. He wears them when he's sleeping, and they help improve his circulation in his legs. He sleeps better now.
Acel socks are designed to help improve circulation, provide cushioned support for your arch, and help reduce fatigue. Anyone who has chronic pain knows how hard it is to do day to day activity when you hurt.
I am very impressed with the socks, and I will continue to wear them. Especially when I work out, or I am standing for long periods of time!!!
You can purchase your own pair of Acel Compression Socks through their website for $34.95. If you use code SARAHGIFT you can save 20%!! How cool is that!!
Are you having leg or foot pain and could use a pair of the socks?? Do you know someone else who could use a pair?? Would you like to win a pair??
The good folks at Acel would like to offer three lucky readers a pair of socks in the size and color you would like.
Enter using the rafflecopter form below, and good luck!!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

This post is written by
Sarah Coulsey. She is a Wife, and Mother of two boys living in New England. This post may contain affiliate links.